WOA Pharmaceuticals
Founded in 2014 by a group of female doctors and academics, WOA Pharmaceuticals initially focused on humanitarian relief programmes from 2014 to 2019. Through a partnership with Bio Pharma, WOA has access to high-quality pharmaceuticals essential for achieving its mission of healing Africa.

Africa has faced significant challenges with disease and illness, particularly in disadvantaged communities that often lack access to quality medicine. WOA Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to changing this reality and restoring health across the continent.
woa receptionist
WOA Pharmaceuticals has invested in the iBreastExam to promote mobile breast screening access for all communities.
The iBreastExam is a class B SAPHRA Approved medical device for documenting breast lesions during Clinical Breast Examinations. This non-invasive, radiation-free tool aids healthcare workers in detecting breast lumps, offering flexibility in usage across various settings.

The ultra-portable iBreastExam (iBE) is hand-held, wireless, battery-powered and user friendly for healthcare providers. With cloud connectivity it delivers instant results empowering efficient and effective patient care.
The iBreastExam goes beyond clinical examination in that the solution allows the operator/facility to:
  • Create records of the clinical breast exams in a consistent format.
  • Incorporate reports into electronic medical record (EMR) systems and workflows.
  • Potentially find hard-to-palpate lesions.
  • Reassure patients ineligible for routine mammograms or patients with dense breast tissue.
  • Support the care workers' clinical expertise and reinforce any decision to see further diagnostic imaging with documentation from the iBreastExam.
  • Sharing of reports and replays of the exams with specialists
WOA Healthcare
WOA has invested in iTheku Wellness Hospital, a private mental healthcare hospital in KwaZulu-Natal for adults and adolescents.

Our experienced multidisciplinary team, comprising of highly qualified medical professionals and 24-hour nursing staff, provides the best care. Medical aids and hospital plans cover inpatient mental health treatment for adults and adolescents. iTheku Wellness Hospital is fully registered with the Department of Health in South Africa.
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Multidisciplinary Team
The multidisciplinary team consists of the following team members:
Nursing Staff
Occupational Therapist
Social Worker
Medical Officer
Treatment Programme
The programme focuses on the specific needs of our patients based on their symptoms, diagnoses, and level of functioning.
Contact us today to join our mission of healing Africa.
By working together, we can ensure that high-quality healthcare reaches the most underserved communities, transforming lives and creating lasting impact across the continent.
We value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.
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